100T单缸油压打包机 此打包机设计力量为100T。行程箱净深度2500mm,可一次性放入5个45kg左右羽毛松包进行打包,箱体尺寸可按羽毛包要求定制大小。 打包机含主体结构;100T液压油缸;液压站全套;平台。 打包机油泵电机功率为22kw。 打包机安装所需面积约为30平方米左右,操作平台为5米×5米,设一人员上下楼梯及成型包下滑梯。
The machine can bear 100t strength, It has a depth of 2500mm so five down package around 45kg can be put together into it to be packed. The size of the package can be regulated according to the requirement of the down package. The main structure: 100t hydraulic pressure tank: the whole set of hydraulic pressure station and the platform. The power of the achine: 22kw The area requred by this machine is around 30 square meters and the operation flat is 5 meters long and 5 meters wide so the operator can go upstairs and downstairs and the packaged bale can be sent down by the slide. |